Source code for elm.elmr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This file contains ELMKernel classes and all developed methods.

# Python2 support
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from .mltools import *

import numpy as np
import optunity
import ast

import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
    import ConfigParser as configparser
    import configparser

    from scipy.special import expit
except ImportError:
    _SCIPY = 0
    _SCIPY = 1

# Find configuration file
from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
_ELMR_CONFIG = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("elm"), "elm/elmr.cfg")

[docs]class ELMRandom(MLTools): """ A Python implementation of ELM Random Neurons defined by Huang[1]. An ELM is a single-hidden layer feedforward network (SLFN) proposed by Huang back in 2006, in 2012 the author revised and introduced a new concept of using kernel functions to his previous work. This implementation currently accepts both methods proposed at 2012, random neurons and kernel functions to estimate classifier/regression functions. Let the dimensionality "d" of the problem be the sum of "t" size (number of targets per pattern) and "f" size (number of features per pattern). So, d = t + f The data will be set as Pattern = (Target | Features). If database has *N* patterns, its size follows *Nxd*. Note: [1] Paper reference: Huang, 2012, "Extreme Learning Machine for Regression and Multiclass Classification" Attributes: input_weight (numpy.ndarray): a random matrix (*Lxd-1*) needed to calculate H(**x**). output_weight (numpy.ndarray): a column vector (*Nx1*) calculated after training, represent :math:\\beta. bias_of_hidden_neurons (numpy.ndarray): a random column vector (*Lx1*) needed to calculate H(**x**). param_function (str): function that will be used for training. param_c (float): regularization coefficient (*C*) used for training. param_l (list of float): number of neurons that will be used for training. param_opt (bool): a boolean used to calculate an optimization when number of training patterns are much larger than neurons (N >> L). Other Parameters: regressor_name (str): The name of classifier/regressor. available_functions (list of str): List with all available functions. default_param_function (str): Default function if not set at class constructor. default_param_c (float): Default parameter c value if not set at class constructor. default_param_l (integer): Default number of neurons if not set at class constructor. default_param_opt (bool): Default boolean optimization flag. Note: * **regressor_name**: defaults to "elmr". * **default_param_function**: defaults to "sigmoid". * **default_param_c**: defaults to 2 ** -6. * **default_param_l**: defaults to 500. * **default_param_opt**: defaults to False. """
[docs] def __init__(self, params=[]): """ Class constructor. Arguments: params (list): first argument (*str*) is an available function, second argument (*float*) is the coefficient *C* of regularization, the third is the number of hidden neurons and the last argument is an optimization boolean. Example: >>> import elm >>> params = ["sigmoid", 1, 500, False] >>> elmr = elm.ELMRandom(params) """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.available_functions = ["sigmoid", "multiquadric"] self.regressor_name = "elmr" self.default_param_function = "sigmoid" self.default_param_c = 2 ** -6 self.default_param_l = 500 self.default_param_opt = False self.input_weight = [] self.output_weight = [] self.bias_of_hidden_neurons = [] # Initialized parameters values if not params: self.param_function = self.default_param_function self.param_c = self.default_param_c self.param_l = self.default_param_l self.param_opt = self.default_param_opt else: self.param_function = params[0] self.param_c = params[1] self.param_l = params[2] self.param_opt = params[3] # ######################## # Private Methods # ########################
def __set_random_weights(self, number_of_hidden_nodes, number_of_attributes): """ Initialize random values to calculate function Arguments: number_hidden_nodes (int): number of neurons. number_of_attributes (int): number of features. """ self.input_weight = np.random.rand(number_of_hidden_nodes, number_of_attributes) * 2 - 1 self.bias_of_hidden_neurons = np.random.rand(number_of_hidden_nodes, 1) def __map_hidden_layer(self, function_type, number_hidden_nodes, data): """ Map argument "data" to the hidden layer feature space. Arguments: function_type (str): function to map input data to feature space. number_hidden_nodes (int): number of hidden neurons. data (numpy.ndarray): data to be mapped to feature space. Returns: numpy.ndarray: mapped data. """ number_of_data = data.shape[0] if function_type == "sigmoid" or function_type == "sig" or \ function_type == "sin" or function_type == "sine" or \ function_type == "hardlim" or \ function_type == "tribas": temp =, data.conj().T) bias_matrix = np.tile(self.bias_of_hidden_neurons, number_of_data) temp = temp + bias_matrix elif function_type == "mtquadric" or function_type == "multiquadric": temph1 = np.tile(np.sum(data ** 2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), number_hidden_nodes) temph2 = \ np.tile(np.sum(self.input_weight ** 2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), number_of_data) temp = temph1 + temph2.conj().T \ - 2 *, self.input_weight.conj().T) temp = temp.conj().T + \ np.tile(self.bias_of_hidden_neurons ** 2, number_of_data) elif function_type == "gaussian" or function_type == "rbf": temph1 = np.tile(np.sum(data ** 2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), number_hidden_nodes) temph2 = \ np.tile(np.sum(self.input_weight ** 2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), number_of_data) temp = temph1 + temph2.conj().T \ - 2 *, self.input_weight.conj().T) temp = \ np.multiply(temp.conj().T, np.tile(self.bias_of_hidden_neurons, number_of_data)) else: print("Error: Invalid function type") return if function_type == "sigmoid" or function_type == "sig": if _SCIPY: h_matrix = expit(temp) else: h_matrix = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-temp)) elif function_type == "sine" or function_type == "sin": h_matrix = np.sin(temp) elif function_type == "mtquadric" or function_type == "multiquadric": h_matrix = np.sqrt(temp) elif function_type == "gaussian" or function_type == "rbf": h_matrix = np.exp(temp) else: print("Error: Invalid function type") return return h_matrix def _local_train(self, training_patterns, training_expected_targets, params): # If params not provided, uses initialized parameters values if not params: pass else: self.param_function = params[0] self.param_c = params[1] self.param_l = params[2] self.param_opt = params[3] number_of_attributes = training_patterns.shape[1] self.__set_random_weights(self.param_l, number_of_attributes) h_train = self.__map_hidden_layer(self.param_function, self.param_l, training_patterns) # If N >>> L, param_opt should be True if self.param_opt: self.output_weight = np.linalg.solve( (np.eye(h_train.shape[0]) / self.param_c) +, h_train.conj().T),, training_expected_targets)) else: self.output_weight =, np.linalg.solve( ((np.eye(h_train.shape[1]) / self.param_c) + h_train.conj().T, h_train)), training_expected_targets)) training_predicted_targets =, self.output_weight) return training_predicted_targets def _local_test(self, testing_patterns, testing_expected_targets, predicting): h_test = self.__map_hidden_layer(self.param_function, self.param_l, testing_patterns) testing_predicted_targets =, self.output_weight) return testing_predicted_targets # ######################## # Public Methods # ########################
[docs] def search_param(self, database, dataprocess=None, path_filename=("", ""), save=False, cv="ts", of="rmse", f=None, eval=50): """ Search best hyperparameters for classifier/regressor based on optunity algorithms. Arguments: database (numpy.ndarray): a matrix containing all patterns that will be used for training/testing at some cross-validation method. dataprocess (DataProcess): an object that will pre-process database before training. Defaults to None. path_filename (tuple): *TODO*. save (bool): *TODO*. cv (str): Cross-validation method. Defaults to "ts". of (str): Objective function to be minimized at optunity.minimize. Defaults to "rmse". f (list of str): a list of functions to be used by the search. Defaults to None, this set all available functions. eval (int): Number of steps (evaluations) to optunity algorithm. Each set of hyperparameters will perform a cross-validation method chosen by param cv. Available *cv* methods: - "ts" :func:`mltools.time_series_cross_validation()` Perform a time-series cross-validation suggested by Hydman. - "kfold" :func:`mltools.kfold_cross_validation()` Perform a k-fold cross-validation. Available *of* function: - "accuracy", "rmse", "mape", "me". See Also: """ if f is None: search_functions = self.available_functions elif type(f) is list: search_functions = f else: raise Exception("Invalid format for argument 'f'.") print(self.regressor_name) print("##### Start search #####") config = configparser.ConfigParser() if sys.version_info < (3, 0): config.readfp(open(_ELMR_CONFIG)) else: config.read_file(open(_ELMR_CONFIG)) best_function_error = 99999.9 temp_error = best_function_error best_param_function = "" best_param_c = 0 best_param_l = 0 for function in search_functions: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): elmr_c_range = ast.literal_eval(config.get("DEFAULT", "elmr_c_range")) neurons = config.getint("DEFAULT", "elmr_neurons") else: function_config = config["DEFAULT"] elmr_c_range = ast.literal_eval(function_config["elmr_c_range"]) neurons = ast.literal_eval(function_config["elmr_neurons"]) param_ranges = [[elmr_c_range[0][0], elmr_c_range[0][1]]] def wrapper_opt(param_c): """ Wrapper for optunity. """ if cv == "ts": cv_tr_error, cv_te_error = \ time_series_cross_validation(self, database, params=[function, 2 ** param_c, neurons, False], number_folds=10, dataprocess=dataprocess) elif cv == "kfold": cv_tr_error, cv_te_error = \ kfold_cross_validation(self, database, params=[function, 2 ** param_c, neurons, False], number_folds=10, dataprocess=dataprocess) else: raise Exception("Invalid type of cross-validation.") if of == "accuracy": util = 1 / cv_te_error.get_accuracy() else: util = cv_te_error.get(of) # print("c:", param_c, "util: ", util) return util optimal_pars, details, _ = \ optunity.minimize(wrapper_opt, solver_name="cma-es", num_evals=eval, param_c=param_ranges[0]) # Save best function result if details[0] < temp_error: temp_error = details[0] if of == "accuracy": best_function_error = 1 / temp_error else: best_function_error = temp_error best_param_function = function best_param_c = optimal_pars["param_c"] best_param_l = neurons if of == "accuracy": print("Function: ", function, " best cv value: ", 1/details[0]) else: print("Function: ", function, " best cv value: ", details[0]) # MLTools Attribute self.cv_best_rmse = best_function_error # elmr Attribute self.param_function = best_param_function self.param_c = best_param_c self.param_l = best_param_l print("##### Search complete #####") self.print_parameters() return None
[docs] def print_parameters(self): """ Print current parameters. """ print() print("Regressor Parameters") print() print("Regularization coefficient: ", self.param_c) print("Function: ", self.param_function) print("Hidden Neurons: ", self.param_l) print() print("CV error: ", self.cv_best_rmse) print("") print()
[docs] def get_available_functions(self): """ Return available functions. """ return self.available_functions
[docs] def train(self, training_matrix, params=[]): """ Calculate output_weight values needed to test/predict data. If params is provided, this method will use at training phase. Else, it will use the default value provided at object initialization. Arguments: training_matrix (numpy.ndarray): a matrix containing all patterns that will be used for training. params (list): a list of parameters defined at :func:`ELMKernel.__init__` Returns: :class:`Error`: training error object containing expected, predicted targets and all error metrics. Note: Training matrix must have target variables as the first column. """ return self._ml_train(training_matrix, params)
[docs] def test(self, testing_matrix, predicting=False): """ Calculate test predicted values based on previous training. Args: testing_matrix (numpy.ndarray): a matrix containing all patterns that will be used for testing. predicting (bool): Don't set. Returns: :class:`Error`: testing error object containing expected, predicted targets and all error metrics. Note: Testing matrix must have target variables as the first column. """ return self._ml_test(testing_matrix, predicting)
[docs] def predict(self, horizon=1): return self._ml_predict(horizon)
[docs] def train_iterative(self, database_matrix, params=[], sliding_window=168, k=1): return self._ml_train_iterative(database_matrix, params, sliding_window, k)